Nepal Impact Marathon 2023

November 2023

About us

The IMS Foundation takes the biggest challenges facing Nepal & seeks out the most extraordinary grassroot organisations who are working to catalyse real change in the country.

We support two wonderful organisations in Nepal. We blend our focus across two concepts: long term community change with short-term individual changes.

Short term: we support Burns Violence Survivors (BVS). Since 2015, our runners have directly funded over 200 life-changing/saving surgeries for victims of burns in Nepal. There are over 56,000 cases each year, with just two hospital wards for treatment. Not only tackling the care, but the prevention - a huge challenge when faced with the task of tackling domestic abuse and the use of acid in such attacks We give the team an unrestricted grant and, after 8 years, still every single rupee is accounted for and connected with a personal story of change.

Long term: #Project10 – 10 Schools. 10 Opportunities to touch 1000s of lives.

This is an exciting partnership built over the 5 races that have come before. We will be bringing clean, filtered drinking water to every single school on the mountain. Right now, none of the schools in the area have clean drinking water. Since the earthquake in 2015, some of the rebuilt schools have identified water sources, but still none are able to provide clean water. During monsoons, 90% of children have had to time off school due to water-borne illnesses. Some of whom never return to finish their schooling. The communities themselves will contribute 20% of the costs of this project, with our Impact Runners providing the necessary 80% to make the installation, the education, and the maintenance happen. With your support, we will be able to make an impact today, but still have long-term, system impact long into the future, creating healthier communities with fewer children dropping out of school. 

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